

Tree Root Research for innovation in Foundation Systems

Petra Gruber (Thibaut Houette (researcher), Elena Stachew (researcher))


Petra Gruber (Bernhard Sommer (project lead))

Bioterials for Building

Petra Gruber (Thibaut Houtte (researcher))

Sustainable Design to Integration Course

Petra Gruber (Peter Niewiarowski (project lead))


Petra Gruber (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Project lead))

The Biomimicry Design Toolkit

Petra Gruber (Anuj Jain (project lead))

Conceptual Joining

Anja Jonkhans (mentor)


Anja Jonkhans (Coordinator)




Survival Perspectives on Cohabitation by Design
Petra Gruber (book chapter)
P.Gruber: "Survival Perspectives on Cohabitation by Design" in: B. Imhof, D. Mitterberger and T. Derme (Eds.) Co-Corporeality of Humans, Machines, & Microbes. De Gruyter, 2022, DOI: 10.1515/9783035625882-014

Dorze Architecture - Woven Houses
Petra Gruber
P. Gruber: "Dorze Architecture - Woven Houses", in: C. Sauer, M. Stoll, E. F. Waldhör, M. Schneider (Eds.): Architectures of Weaving - From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins, Jovis, 11.2022, ISBN 978-3-86859-739-4

Biological Entanglements for Bioinspiration
Petra Gruber (book chapter)
P. Gruber: "Biological Entanglements for Bioinspiration", in: C. Sauer, M. Stoll, E. F. Waldhör, M. Schneider (Eds.): Architectures of Weaving - From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins, Jovis, 11.2022, ISBN 978-3-86859-739-4

A case study in biomimetic roofing: Moisture dissipation from leaf-shaped shingles
Petra Gruber
A. Rupp, P. Gruber: "A case study in biomimetic roofing: Moisture dissipation from leaf-shaped shingles." in: Biomimicry for Materials, Design and Habitats (pp. 467-487). Elsevier, 2022

Biomimetic course design exploration for improved NASA zero gravity exercise equipment
Petra Gruber (book chapter)
P. Gruber, S. Engelhardt, K. Siman, E. Stachew & G. Perusek: "Biomimetic course design exploration for improved NASA zero gravity exercise equipment." in: Biomimicry for Aerospace (pp. 187-209). Elsevier, 2022

Conceptual Joining - Wood Structures from Detail to Utopia / Holzstrukturen im Experiment
Anja Jonkhans (Essay)
Lukas Allner, Christoph Kaltenbrunner, Daniela Kröhnert, Philipp Reinsberg (Eds.) Institute of Architecture, and Institute of Art Sciences and Art Education at the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Edition Angewandte, BIRKHÄUSER Verlag, 2022, ISBN 978-3-0356-2435-9

Breathing Skins. Plant Leaves and Architecture
Petra Gruber (book chapter)
L. Burchert, L. Guiducci, P. Gruber and C. Sauer: "Breathing Skins. Plant Leaves and Architecture" in: L. Burchert, I. Resetar (Eds.) Breath. Gestalterische, ökologische und soziale Dimensionen. De Gruyter, 6.12.2021, DOI: 10.1515/9783110701876-020

Architecture in Ethiopia: Architectural Guide Sub-saharan Africa - Volume 4, Eastern Africa: From the Sahel to the Horn of Africa
Petra Gruber (book chapter)
F. Giorghis, P. Gruber et al.: "Architecture in Ethiopia" in: "Architectural Guide Sub-saharan Africa - Volume 4, Eastern Africa: From the Sahel to the Horn of Africa", DOM Verlag, Berlin Germany, 2021

"Branch Formations"
Daniela Kröhnert

in: Indrė Umbrasaitė, Maja Ozvaldic, Bence Pap (Eds.), Positions: Unfolding Architectural Endeavors, Edition Angewandte, BIRKHÄUSER,  2020, ISBN 978-3-0356-2006-1

"Traditional House Types Revived and Transformed: A Case Study in Sabzevar, Iran"
Hassan Estaji

In: Fatemeh Farnaz Arefian, Seyed Hossein Iradj Moeini (Eds.) Urban Heritage Along the Silk Roads.A Contemporary Reading of Urban Transformation of Historic Cities in the Middle East and Beyond, Cham: Springer, 2019

LIWAS - Living Wall Systems Prototype
Petra Gruber (book chapter)
P. Gruber: "LIWAS - Living Wall Systems Prototype" in Beesley Philip (Ed.): Living Architecture Systems White papers" 2019 Riverside Architectural Press, Toronto, Canada 2019

"Mediating Irregularity"
Daniela Kröhnert, Andrea Rossi

in: Christoph Gengnagel, Olivier Baverel, Jane Burry, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Stefan Weinzierl (Eds.), Impact: Design With All Senses, Proceedings of the Design Modeling Symposium, Berlin 2019, Springer, 2020, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-29829-6_34

"Natural Form(s)"
Daniela Kröhnert, Andrea Rossi, Matthew Tam

in: Carlos Lázaro, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger and Eugenio Oñate (Eds.), Form and Force, Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2019, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 2019, ISBN 978-84-121101-0-4

"Interlocking Spaces"
Jean Philipp Reinsberg, Jun Sato

in: Carlos Lázaro, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger and Eugenio Oñate (Eds.), Form and Force, Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2019, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 2019, ISBN 978-84-121101-0-4

"Natural Complexity. An Introduction to Structural Design with Tree Forks"
Daniela Kröhnert, Andrea Rossi

in: Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci (Eds.), Digital Wood Design, Springer, 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-03676-8

Towards an agile bio digital architecture - Supporting a dynamic evolutionary and developmental view of architecture
Petra Gruber
P. Gruber, T. McGinley, M. Mühlbauer: "Towards an agile biodigital architecture - Supporting a dynamic evolutionary and developmental view of architecture", in: G. Kokturk (Ed.): "Interdisciplinary Expansions in Engineering and Design with the Power of Biomimicry," Intech Open Publisher, 2018 ISBN 978-953-51-3936-2

"The Role of Qanat and Irrigation Networks in the Process of City Formation and Evolution in the Central Plateau of Iran, the Case of Sabzevar."
Hassan Estaji
In: Fatemeh Farnaz Arefian, Seyed Hossein Iradj Moeini (Eds.) Urban Change in Iran. Stories of Rooted Histories and Ever-accelerating Developments, Cham: Springer, 2016

Studio Prix - University of Applied Arts Vienna 1990-2011
Anja Jonkhans
Bollinger, Klaus / Janowski-Fritsch, Roswitha / Jonkhans, Anja / Mueller, Baerbel (Editors)
Reihe: Edition Angewandte, BIRKHÄUSER Verlag, 2016
ISBN 978-3-0356-1218-9

Built to grow - Blending Architecture and Biology
Petra Gruber
B. Imhof, P. Gruber (Eds.): "Built to grow - Blending Architecture and Biology"; Edition Angewandte, Birkhäuser Verlag Vienna Austria, 2016

Massive Attack - IOA Sliver Lecture Series: Selected Friends and Enemies
Anja Jonkhans (Contributing Editor)
Prix, Wolf D. / Balliet, Kristy (Editors), Reihe:Edition Angewandte, BIRKHÄUSER Verlag, 2015, ISBN 978-3-99043-458-1

Weil Kunst entsteht - Wirk(stätt)en in Niederösterreich
Anja Jonkhans (feature)
Land Niederösterreich (Editor), St. Pölten : Residenz-Verl. St. Pölten2014
ISBN 9783701733491

Design Transactions - Rethinking Information Modeling for a New Material Age
Anja Jonkhans ((contributing author))
Bob Sheil, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Martin Tamke and Sean Hanna (Editors), UCL Press, 2015, ISBN 978-1-78735-489-0

What is the architect doing in the jungle? Biornametics - Architecture defined by natural patterns
Petra Gruber
P. Gruber, B. Imhof (Eds.): "What is the architect doing in the jungle? Biornametics - Architecture defined by natural patterns"; Edition Angewandte, Springer Vienna Austria, 2013

"Dharavi is almost alright."
In: Stadt und Land im Fluss. Wege in eine zukunftsfähige Raumentwicklung., Wien: Universität für Bodenkultur, 2012

"Bauen am Wasser."
In: Gordana Brandner-Gruber, Astrid Meyer-Hainisch (Hg.) Kalt und Warm. Baukultur in Seen- und Thermenregionen im Alpen-Adria Raum., Dokumentation des Projekts "Kalt und warm" im Rahmen des INTERREG-Projektes CULTH:EX CAR-GOR, 2012

Biomimetics in Architecture - Architecture of Life and Buildings
Petra Gruber
P. Gruber: "Biomimetics in Architecture - Architecture of Life and Buildings";

Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-7091-0331-9

Bionics: Materials - Structures - Processes, examples, ideas and case studies
Petra Gruber
D. Bruckner, I. Gebeshuber, P. Gruber, C. Hellmich, H. Stachelberger (Eds.): “Bionics: Materials - Structures - Processes, examples, ideas and case studies”, Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-11933-0

IOA Studios. Hadid Lynn Prix - Selected Student Works 2009
Anja Jonkhans
Prix, Wolf D. (Editor), Janowski-Fritsch, Roswitha / Jonkhans, Anja (Editors in Chief)
Reihe: Edition Angewandte, Wien / New York Springer, 2011,
ISBN 978-3-99043-305-8

"Die Landschaft der Architekten."
In: Ludwig Trepl, Thomas Kirchhoff (Hg.): Vieldeutige Natur: Landschaft, Wildnis, Ökosystem als kulturgeschichtliche Phänomene., Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag, 2009

Traditional Architecture and Art on Nias, Indonesia
Petra Gruber
P. Gruber, U. Herbig, (Eds.) E. Lehner, A. Rieger-Jandl, J. Hämmerle, B. Wolff, W. Marschall, U. Hummel, I. Kennerknecht, D. Bonatz, J. Kuhnt-Saptodewo, R. Mittersakschmöller, J. Nielsen, A. Viaro, A. Ziegler, C. Warta, P. Fattinger: "Traditional Architecture and Art on Nias, Indonesia"; Verlag des Instituts für vergleichende Architekturforschung IVA Wien, 2009, 181 S., 200 p

99+ IoA Studios Hadid Lynn Prix Selected Student Works 2004-8
Anja Jonkhans
Prix, Wolf D. (Editor in Chief), Janowski-Fritsch, Roswitha / Jonkhans, Anja (Editors)
Reihe: Edition Angewandte, Wien / New York Springer, 2009
ISBN 978-3-211-89798-0

Die Unterseite der Architektur. Konzepte und Konstruktionen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Kultur und Natur. 
Edition Angewandte, Wien/New York: Springer, 2008

"Kulturlandschaft ist überall – oder: Die praktische und die projektive Landschaft."
In: Irene Kazal, Annette Voigt , Angela Weil und Axel Zutz (Hg.): Kulturen der Landschaft. Ideen von Kulturlandschaft zwischen Tradition und Modernisierung., Schriftenreihe der Fakultät Architektur Umwelt Gesellschaft der Technischen Universität Berlin, Band 127, Berlin, 2006

[Reflexionen über Hans Puchhammer] - Walter Ifsits, Karin Raith, Erich Raith, Andreas Treusch. In: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur (Hrsg.): Hans Puchhammer: Bauen kann Architektur sein., Salzburg: Verlag Anton Pustet, 2004

"Die Prägung des Territoriums. Zur Beziehung von Architektur, Stadtentwicklung und Landschaft."
In: Internationale Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst, Initiative Architektur (Hrsg.)  After Shopping. Situation Salzburg - Strategien für den Speckgürtel., Salzburg: Verlag Anton Pustet, 2001

"Gestapelte Landschaften. Architektonische Konzepte der Bodenvermehrung am Beginn und am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts."
In: Gerlind Weber (Hrsg.): Raummuster Planerstoff. Festschrift für Fritz Kastner., Wien: Universität für Bodenkultur, 1999

Ernst HiesMayr - einfache Häuser
Ernst Hiesmayr
Wien: Löcker, 1991