Circular Strategies Symposium 5

Aftermath. Reconstruction of Environments

10/10/2024 + 11/10/2024
Auditorium of the University of Applied Arts Vienna Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 1030 Vienna

Circular Strategies Symposium happening on October 10th & 11th 2024


The Fifth Circular Strategies Symposium addresses the timely, critical theme of post-disaster contexts: Aftermath. Reconstruction of Environments.




Disasters, whether natural or manmade, leave a devastating trail of destruction in their wake, disrupting communities, livelihoods and ecosystems. In the aftermath of such events, the role of architects in addressing these challenges is essential not only in terms of restoring physical structures, but also in terms of fostering resilience and rebuilding communities. When a lack of economic and/or material resources is evident, a shift towards regenerative systems that minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency is required. The concept of circularity emerges as a respectful solution, offering a transformative approach to post-disaster architecture.


The symposium delivered a multidisciplinary perspective on key themes, such as designing with immediate responses in mind, from temporary to permanent rebuilding, large-scale territorial planning, materials and approaches, aimed at transforming the narrative from despair to resilience.


Organized by the Petra Gruber and Camille Breuil, Department of Building Construction, I oA, University of Applied Arts Vienna.





Thursday, October 10th 2024, 6pm

17:30 Admission


18:00   Welcome Address: Petra Schaper Rinkel, Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

Introduction: Petra Gruber, Institute of Architecture, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Keynote Ruins and Regeneration: The Near and Far Future of Disaster Recovery by Eric J. Cesal (Instructor, Harvard Global Development Program, community-based responses to disaster).



Friday, October 11th 2024, 9am-6.30pm

08:30  Admission and Welcome Moderation by Anja Jonkhans.


9:00 – 10:30    Block 01: ON THE GROUND

Patrick Coulombel (Emergency Architects Foundation, France), “Reconstruction after disasters”

Cecilia Schmölzer (Emergency Shelter and Reconstruction Expert), “From emergency sheltering to recovery after large scale disasters”

Cyrille Hanappe (Director “Architecture & Major Risks” ENSAPB, ENSA Paris Belleville, AIR Architecture, IPRAUS, France), “Mayotte, a French place in East Africa :  Housing & demolition policies in a country of slums.”


10:30-10:45 Coffee break


10:45 – 12:15     Block 02: FROM TEMPORARY TO PERMANENT

Hsieh Ying-Chun (Atelier-3, Taiwan), “Tectonic in Resident Participation: Post-disaster reconstruction and Sustaining solution”

Vitalina Hoshovsk (Balbek Bureau, Ukraine), “Preserving past, shaping future: Balbek Bureau’s perspective on Ukraine’s recovery.”

Natalie Mossin & Ingeborg Christiane Hau (Head of Institute and Curator of the Royal Danish Academy, Denmark), “Rebuilding – how international collaboration and local agency generate mutual value”


12:15-12:30 Coffee break


12:30 – 13:15 Panel Discussion with the morning guest speakers moderated by Carmen Maria Egger.


13:15 -14:30  Lunch Break



Robert Sakic Trogrlic (IIASA, Austria), “Risk and Resilience Thinking: Implications for Reconstruction Processes”

Kees Christiaanse (President Swiss Network with Ukraine, ETH Zurich, KCAP, the Netherlands), “Fostering and regenerating tissue of built environment”.

Lilet Breddels (Director of Archis Amsterdam and project manager at Ro3kvit, urban coalition for Ukraine, the Netherlands), “On post-conflict Architecture”


16:00-16:15 Coffee break


16:15 – 17:15   Block 04: MATERIALS AND APPROACHES

Adam Przywara (Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Fribourg, Switzerland), “Circular Reconstruction: Building from Rubble in Postwar Warsaw”

Mattia di Carlo (Circular Expert, 3XN GXN, Denmark), “Circular by Design”


17:15-17:30 Coffee break


17:30 – 18:15 Panel Discussion with the afternoon guest speakers moderated by Thomas Romm.


18:30 Closing words by Camille Breuil and small reception.




Image credits: Erfan Khosravi and Anna Okhrimenko.